It’s a sunny Sunday today. I’m glad because it rained briefly on Saturday morning. I have mixed feelings about rain. On the one hand, it means I don’t have to water my plants. On the other hand, it means everywhere I have gravel and rocks, weeds will grow and I’ll have to pull them. I won’t do it now. Who wants to weed the yard in the winter? I don’t. But I have to look at it pile up. I paid a landscaper to put down rocks and gravel in the walkway so I didn’t have to plant grass and mow it. Other people have graveled areas and they never get weeds. I’m just not lucky. Years later, I paid a gardener to weed the area and he sprayed it, telling me that would keep the weeds away. No way. That year they grew four feet tall before I couldn’t stand it anymore and I had to pull them.
Thank goodness, today they’re only a few inches tall. Well, at least it’s sunny today, albeit it’s a hazy, wintery sun. But before I start to write another chapter for the next Hetty Carson mystery, I’m going to take a nice long walk in the park by my house. The city gardeners keep it beautiful. As you can see from the picture it’s a serene place with a lake filled with waterfowl. A nice way to spend a Sunday.
Thanks for reading,
The Trouble With Murder, D.X. Varos, Ltd, 2022
Hidden Agenda, Forget Mellemgaard APS (in Danish) 2021
The Cubist Caper, Forget Mellemgaard APS (in Danish) 2022
A Palette for Murder, A Lana Davis Mystery, Five Star Publishing, a part of Gale/Cengage Learning 2015
A Blue Moon, CCHB 2013